Get Your FRee Podcast Launch checklist

This proven 3-phase checklist will help you take your podcast idea from dream to reality in the next 6 weeks! 

Phase 1 
Podcast Concept (Week 1) 
Planning and Preparation (Week 2) 

The first phase is all about messaging, identifying your audience and outlining how this podcast is going to connect with your listeners. This is the most exciting part of starting a podcast.

what's inside?

Phase 2
Legal and Administrative (Week 3) 
Marketing and Promotion (Week 4) 

In the next phase we're talking about all things legal, marketing and promotion. This is where we'll start funneling listeners in future customers. 

Phase 3
Pre-Launch (Week 5)
Launch (Week 6)

Congratulations, you've completed the first two phases and you're officially ready to launch your podcast. The last phase will walk you through pre-launch and launch of your podcast. 

My exact 6 week process that will guide you from podcast concept to launch. 


Hi! Wow - can I be the first person to say, I can't wait to listen to your podcast. 

My name is Morgan Franklin. I'm a producer, strategist and educator. After launching my first podcast in 2021 I discovered the unmated power of podcasting for business owners, educators and industry leaders. 

Do you want to learn about how you'll make money with your podcast? Listen to Podcasts for Profit with Morgan Franklin!