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Do you want to know one of the scariest questions you can ask a podcaster?
(Who’s going to listen to your podcast?)
Can I tell you a secret?
It’s scary because it matters. If you aren’t creating your podcast with a listener in mind – you won’t have any listeners. Period point blank.
If you’re worried about who will listen to your podcast, what value you can give an audience or why anyone would ever listen to what you have to say – this episode is for you!
Why the First Episode of Your Podcast Matters
There’s something magical about the first episode of a podcast. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s full of potential. As a listener, you get a sneak peek into what’s to come, and as a host, it’s your first opportunity to connect. But here’s the catch: if you don’t know who you’re talking to, that connection can miss the mark, leaving both you and your listeners feeling lost.
Everyone Has a Podcast Idea
Trust me, I’ve heard them all – from groundbreaking to totally unhinged. And believe it or not, I think everyone has a chart topping podcast idea inside of them. Different ideas are what makes podcasting so exciting! It isn’t the podcast topic that will determine your success, it’s how you’re serving your listeners.
Crafting Your Podcast with Your Listener in Mind
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Creating a podcast isn’t just about sharing your thoughts with the world; it’s about speaking directly to someone who finds value in what you have to say. And how do you do that? By understanding your target audience.
Know Your Target Audience
Yes, it’s Marketing 101, but it’s also podcasting gold. Who is your podcast for? Dive deep. What do they enjoy? What keeps them up at night? The more specific you can be, the better you can tailor your content to meet their needs, wants, and interests.
Creating Value
Every episode you put out should serve your listener in some way, whether it’s through entertainment, education, or inspiration. But to create value, you first need to know what they value. This understanding forms the bedrock of content that resonates and keeps listeners coming back for more.
Your Podcast Is Not for Everyone
And that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay; it’s necessary. By focusing on a specific audience, you can create content that speaks directly to them, making your podcast a go-to resource in your niche.
Wrapping Up
Understanding who will listen to your podcast is not just about getting downloads—it’s about creating a community, sharing value, and making meaningful connections. Take the time to understand your audience, and you’ll find not just listeners, but loyal followers who turn into customers.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Start Your Podcast with Hosting from Transistor.FM
Get Your FREE Podcast Launch Checklist
Total Podcast Setup Under $500
Complete Professional Podcast Setup $2,500